Courses Taught
- HON292A/297: Entropy and Chaos: Order and Disorder in the Universe F08 F10
- HON293: Patterns and Pandemonium F15 Media Blog
- PY203: Modern Physics F16,F17 Twitter Feed
- PY205: Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (Matter and Interactions) S06, F06, S08, S09, S17
- PY208: Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (Matter and Interactions) and SCALE-UP) F07, S10, S13, F13
- PY413: Thermal Physics S14, S15, S16
- PY722: Statistical Physics II F09, F12, F14
Teaching Publications
- Karen E. Daniels. “Student Blogging about Physics.” The Physics Teacher. 48: 366-7 (Sept 2010)
- Theodore A. Brzinski, Karen E. Daniels. “Stretching Rubber, Stretching Minds: a polymer physics lab for teaching entropy.” arXiv preprint
Introductory Fluid Dynamics
In connection with the Matter & Interactions curriculum, I wrote an appendix which covers fluid statics and dynamics in language consistent with the rest of the course.
- M&I Fluids Instructor Guide (includes WebAssign-coded homework assignments and buoyancy lab)
- M&I Fluids Student Chapter
Computational Activities for Modern Physics
- I have written a set of Jupyter notebooks for use in conjunction with our introductory Modern Physics class, approximately one for each chapter in Krane Modern Physics. If you’d like tor try them out, contact me. After Fall 2017 (their second draft), I’ll find a way to post them more permanently/publicly.